Category Blog

4 Major Inbuilt capabilities of Salesforce

     Salesforce, powered by Customer 360, is a reliable Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform. It also provides a complementary set of enterprise applications centered on automated Marketing, Data Analytics, Client Services, and App Development. In this blog, we explain…

Major reason why attorneys need time-tracking technology

     Law firms face time management issues more often, the time spent on administrative tasks, client acquisition, and marketing usually tends to raise challenges toward effective timing. Traditional time management techniques are no longer responsive. A CRM can facilitate…

Major Determinants of efficiency for law firms

     A satisfactory client journey is what is interpreted as efficiency of a law firm. Lead conversion, enhanced sales, improved client experience and many more can be achieved by implementing the technologies listed in this blog. As witnessed, an…

How Automation can Benefit Legal Marketing Strategies

     Automation in marketing brings about efficiency, speed, and productivity to the law firm. Marketing is faster today than in any other past dispensation owing to technological advancements, diversified social media … etc. In a bid to enhance marketing…

Merits of Legal Practice Management Technology

     Incorporating legal technology in law firms is turning into a growth determinant in the legal industry. Technology is evolving today more than ever, directly influencing the demands and expectations of clients. A law firm will need to arm…

5 Ways to Enhance Email Marketing for Law Firms

     Text Communication is an essential communication tool in the legal industry that can not be avoided. Maintaining improved and standardized text communication as well as email marketing will act as a catalyst in improving client attraction, and experience…