5 Challenges That Law Firms Can Encounter in 2022

     Being able to win and serve customers are the key challenge to every business, legal entities included. Having worked with legal firms for years, we are sharing below the 5 major challenges that law firms face in 2022, and how they can be addressed using technology:

  1. Increasing Digital expectancy in clients: Legal Practice Management and Salesforce Case Management software systems today offer a range of functionalities that enable law firms to welcome the online connected community. Various mobile apps for lawyers on the move and client portals facilitate law firm clients in keeping themselves updated with the progress of their cases.

  2. Well-equipped Solicitors:  Law firms are regularly criticized for being slow to adopt leading technologies. Much can be done to automate the repetitive processes in a law firm. Automation through Salesforce Case Management Workflows is a proven technology that pays off for accelerating lawyers’ day-to-day works.

  3. Working with Data: Knowing how to work with your law firm’s data can take your business intelligence to the next level. Salesforce provides your firm with a space for focus, simplicity and confidence. Salesforce comes with a range of intuitive & customisable reports that provide insightful information on your business. This will facilitate your workforce to confidently slide and dice your data themselves at their convenience.

  4. Competency in Lawyers: Limited experienced members of the team in action has brought about a massive culture-shock in terms of the law firm learning experience. As per a global report  by Upwork,  73% of all departments will attain remote working by 2028. A good Learning and Compliance Management system, designed specifically for law firms should be a key consideration for all practice leaders.

  5. Recruitment and Employee Retention: As people are the core strength of law firms, it’s highly crucial to recruit top talent and retain them. According to a G2 survey of 1600 professionals, almost a quarter (24%) of employees would quit their job due to poor software related services, thus an efficient legal case practice management software can present a key component in resolving this particular problem.

By overcoming any of the above mentioned 5 challenges, you will be presented with an opportunity to grow with ease. Moreover, having Salesforce Consultants like Rafayee Cloud Leaders on your side during the implementation of the technology can definitely help you and your firm adapt to the technology of the day and boost your business growth.

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