Salesforce Sales Engagement for Law Firms


     Sales teams deal with the most challenging and lengthy tasks in a firm, these include preparing pitching decks, scheduling demos, delivering the actual sales pitch, completing onboarding formalities and constantly looking for upselling & cross-selling opportunities. Salesforce’s Sales Cloud provides an extension called Sales Engagement which radically accelerates the sales process, collects accurate data and enables sales reps to deliver results on time. Using Sales Engagement, sales teams/attorneys in law firms too can benefit as follows:

 1.Qualified & Best-fitting Leads: As Sales Engagement can be integrated with the powerful Salesforce Marketing Cloud, only qualified & relevant leads will be shared with sales teams. Thus, each sales rep can target the right prospects and convert them faster making your business more scalable.

2. Data Centralization & Consistency: Sales Engagement is the most useful sales platform in helping legal sales representatives at every turn of their daily activities. It facilitates your sales team with accurate insights on customer’s activities, avails integrated 3rd party tools that eliminate redundant work processes, and allows them to embark on innovative sales journeys.

3. Timely Client Communications/Follow-ups: As Sales Engagement streamlines entire sales processes through automated email replies, on-point messaging templates and centralized data, sales teams can ensure to reach out to prospects/clients with the right message at the right time. As day-to-day client communications form the base of effective client experiences, your legal business can see accelerated growth over time with more-satisfied clients.

4. Enhanced Billing & Collections: Law firms spend a lot of time on billing and collection, where Salesforce sales engagement automates entirely the billing process, providing customized invoicing format in order to speed up billing process and gain client satisfaction.

 5. Process Automation: Sales Engagement can also automate the entire sales cycle through functionalities such as Sales Cadence, Approval Processes and Flows. The automation features within the product now includes customer engagement tracking, chat bots, and sales cadences.

 6. Efficient Document Management: The entire process of document drafting till final approval can be automated into the platform, as per your organization’s preferences. Effective document management will reduce work loads and enable easy data sharing and retrieval.

 7. Optimized Client Acquisition & Retention: Acquiring the new clients and retaining the existing clients are the two ways any law firm can perform business development. Managing these two tasks can easily get tiresome, this is where Sales Engagement comes in, it can eliminate the hurdles by providing pre-made activity templates that directs what approach is most suitable for what sort of clients.

Opting for Salesforce Sales Cloud and Sales Engagement is an important decision for your legal firm, as it can help you stand apart from your competitors in multiple aspects. Taking assistance from Salesforce consultants like Rafayee Cloud Leaders is always recommended, as their expert team can help you with setting up, customizing, utilizing and training on Salesforce Solutions to meet your best interests.

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